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Kurt Angle was arrested recently for stalking some girl and for having Hygetropin - a human growth hormone that isn't approved for sale or import into the US. It could get him in some pretty serious trouble especially considering how hard the government has been cracking down on this whole steroids business. It will definitely be interesting to see what TNA does now. At the very least he should drop his belt, if not be fired outright. He's never really been a big draw for TNA and at this point keeping him on the roster may give them some unwanted attention. Dixie probably doesn't have the guts to fire him, though. TNA seems to caved at every single one of Angle's demands and I really don't see them stopping now. Hope they do axe him though - Angle needs help and he's certainly not getting it in TNA.

Since this is a WWE thread, I will say that Christian deserves to be World Champion. I don't who else is on the roster since I really haven't watched any form of wrestling in years and just keep up from time to time, but he was the best and I still know he is. Christian, you da man.