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My cousin plays his like 4 hours a day, and whenever he isn't playing it, he has it set to run Folding@home. For reference, one workload can take you up to like 20 hours, and he's completed about 120 work units by now. He literally never turns it off and he's had it since about May or June, and since folding@home came out before that, he's been running it on his PS3 nonstop since he hooked it up. On the other hand, the only person I know with a 360, my gamer freak best friend (i say gamer freak because he is obsessed with obtaining every single gaming console, accessory, and actual game ever made), who bought like 3 360 games before he even bought a system, he finally buys a 360 and it RRODs on him within 4 months.


Yeah, seriously, after I finally replaced my original boxy PS2 with that slim version I never had a disc read error again, except when the disk itself was really dirty. It still works perfectly, 3 years of constant play later, and the only problem with my gamecube is that a bunch of dust got jammed in the disc tray open button, so it's kinda jammed, but other than that it works perfectly too.