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Kantor said:
Taz! said:
Kantor said:
Don't take information from Zexen, he'll take your money and run with it.

I, however, offer my answers for a measly VG$2000. And I found out before Zexen, so the information is not corrupted.

Also, it's not Nordlead. Seriously. Or is it?

And I found out before Kantor, and I need the money more.


He claims he found out before me, but really he didn't.

He only has so little money because he has a gambling addiction! Don't give him any more! (he sucks at the gambling, too).

Lets see how accurate you are in the Madden week, and this thread is about gambling, even still I always make a return so don't be afraid to invest in me

And I knew way before you, I'm the 3rd person ever to know (if you include 'the person' himself/herself). Beat Dat!