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I see this game does not fit to your standards for an RPG, and I don't blame you. In fact, the elements the game has barely fits it in the genre, and has some elements that might go against the "common knowledge" of what an RPG should have.

I don't see the game has a minigame collection like you do. The video show the events that you, as the player can trigger while you play, and these triggers reward you with items or in another way. In my opinion, this will give replay value because I want to trigger all the events and have chuckle or laugh in the process.

As for the music, can anyone give an official game design document template that says that all RPGs must have orchestrated music, or that it should not have country music? Appealing to common sense is total BS. The only "rule" is that the music should support the feeling the game developers want to transmit to the players.

What I see from the videos and the music, is that the purpose is to make the game "fun", to make us gamers chuckle and relaxed as we play the game. I feel invited to try many things and forget just a little bit about the game plot, which is a good thing