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MontanaHatchet said:
Taz! said:
ioi said:

So ok, back to what we do best:

- Sales charts
- Forums / community (you guys to thank for that!)
- News - both getting general news up quickly and original articles - two very different things really though and maybe we need a better way to seperate the two
- Game database (although maybe we're trying to do a little too much with cheats / extras / user reviews unless we can promote it more as a stand-alone game db)

So maybe focus on these four core areas?

I don't think there needs to be any major emphasis put on the forums and community. Those aspects will just keep rolling along smoothly, and us (the members) are going to continue posting.

If we focus on Sales data (most importantly), News, Reviews and the Database - then hopefully the site will expand and more people will be tempted to join the forums. 

Wrong. NeoGAF is at a higher rank than us, and from what I've seen, they work on community alone. Community is very important to a gaming website. The site hasn't been expanding, even with all these additions. Working more and more on the issue just won't solve it. We need to make major changes, and we need to bring back the kind of community that this site used to have. Where the trolls were truly CRAZZY, and the comedians were actually funny.

Well in that valid case - how are you supposed to promote the forums, and make them a key reason to join the site if you are not a member?