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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
shio said:
PSN is the best choice because it's free.

Xbox Live is a rip off, and is nowhere the awesomeness that Steam is (and Steam is free!)

I agree the Fee is very greedy on MS's part, and yeah Steam is Free to lol. greedy. I thank Microsoft for all the extra DLC, exclusives, shows, extra community games, and ways to communicate that PSN cannot get because people don't pay. Yes...people don't get what they pay for. Why don't you complain about buying a PS3 game which costs $60 and you will finish possibly in two weeks, rather than bashing a superior experience that lasts a year for ten dollars less. If Xbox Live was freem it would still be vastly superior (obviously because Microsoft thinks of everything and then Sony rips it) to PSN. It just wouldn't be as awesome as it is now, because they couldn't invest it in things like Last. FM, Facebook, Twitter, or gaining extra games and DLC. The Xbox wouldn't get as many great upgrades as it does. Its greed on the part of the consumer, who doesn't want to support companies and welcome quality.