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Egghead said:
Confirmed Famitsu Numbers

SO4 - 209k
Blue Dragon - 204k
ToV - 192k
TLR - 150k
IU - 113k (Platinum version to release this week)
LO - 110k

These are VERY good numbers, as you can see, LO and BD had good sales over time, but whats more interesting is that so did SO4 and ToV. This means that these games have had a good long term effect. MS needs to continue the hardware sales too keep interest in the 360, because if theres hardware sales, games like these or RE5 will sell steadily with them.

Unfortunately last three weeks have been dire for MS and i hope Gears 2 can have a good effect on hardware. VGC is reporting that software sales havent been any better than when the 360 was around 700-800k so who knows, maybe those people who bought 360s for those JRPGs are already losing interest.

As for Magna Carta II, its difficult to say what will happen. If you look at IU which wasnt bundled, it had a HUGE first day, bigger than ToV in fact and yet its first week sales were only a little bit more, and offcourse it didnt sell for long either. MCII will do something similar, but will sell well alone on the fact that the 360 is now at 1.1 million.

Is that a joke? Compare these sales to PS2 RPGs that were likely made for half the cost. SO4 and ToV are the easiest examples as they costed more than their prequels, but sold less than half of what they did. That's terrible.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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