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leo-j said:
Gilgamesh said:

Seems like the biggest problem for the PSN is still the lack of cross game chat, is it seriously that important?

Whats really so great about this feature, seems like I can live without it, I dought I'd ever use it even if the PSN had it?

Yes you can  live without it, but the feature is AMAZING, honestly I was skeptical until I actually got XBL and a 360.. It really makes PSN look somewhat inferior.

That and the XBL market place having screen shots for every game, its on page for every game and what not.. PSN does not have that.

Maybe I don't understand this feature, all you can do is just talk to your friends while playing the same game right?

And doesn't the PSN have a trailer for every game for the PSN?, I was just looking through it today and I checked like 3 or 4 games and each one had a 'Preview' option and it brouht up a streaming trailer.