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Video games - most people think of these as killing countless number of enemies, wave after wave after wave. Shadow of the Colossus is the most differently awesome epic videogame EVER.

Its one of my favourites - on par or even better than MGS and God of War..

The OST is the most epic ever , anyone else who thinks otherwise is half dead...or obssessed with FPS games...

Team ICO's new game - The Last Guardian which I'm sure will be awesome will be lucky to be as good as SotC because this game is just a big mixture of music, gameplay and full of awe inspiring moments . Each colossus was a different challenge - The electirc thing in the water , the HUGE flying thing and the 15th guy which you have to jump on top of from a broken bridge connecting two buildings - the sheer scale of the colossi was mind boggling. 

The Last Guardian would be luck to top that . I hope Team ICO make a sequel or a remake after they are done with Last Guardian.

Now to the OST..

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