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As far as Oblivion goes I'm not big into the medieval/knights setting and I like it less in a WRPG, however I love Fallout 3 but I already have it on PC with the DLC.

Lots of games if they're on the PS3 with more content then there is no question I will buy those instead, if they're FPS or big online games I'm getting them on PC, but if it's exclusive to 360 has a great single player function especially RPGs like ToV and Lost Odyssey I'll eat it up.

Sorry I'm rather picky it's just if it's multiplat I'm going to pick up the one with the best options.

But anyway I picked up Lost Odyssey and I'm really liking it so far probably one of the best JRPGs I've played on a console in a while. I'm still hunting for ToV but I may wait for it to come to PS3 since I can't find it ANYWHERE!

I'm thinking about picking up Halo 3 if I can find a cheap copy cause I need at least ONE fps with local multiplayer.

To be honest I'm thinking this is my priorities for each of my systems

PC - multiplat FPS games or big advantages like mods AKA Fallout 3
PS3 - multiplat games with a big online focus since I have a decent list of friends there and PSN is free
360 - exclusive titles, especially the RPGs, local multiplayer HD games, exclusive XBLA games, and anything with a strong singleplayer aspect.
Wii - is just about anything that comes out on it that interests me

that's kinda how my gaming is right now if you guys can think of anything that fits in the 360 category for me it'd be greatly appreciated :)

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000