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I've had my PC for a few years now and I think it's time for an upgrade.

What price and specs would I be looking at for what I wanna do?

I wouldn't game much, but I would like to have the ability to play low to medium level games, nothing too radical. I don't want to have to upgrade for a while, I'd like to be able to have several internet tabs open and programs running without freezing up the PC.

I figure I will be getting Vista (or Windows 7, when does it come out?)

I'm thinking 4 GB RAM but how would it stand in the long run?

I'd like to have bluetooth as well. A couple of card readers for the popular formats.

For HDD space, a few hundred GBs would be fine, the PC I have now is only 50 GB + a 25 GB Backup D:// drive.


What am I looking at video and sound card and processor wise?

Above average, but not too fancy.