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vonboysp said:

sorry for a double-post, but i have a couple questions that i would like questions too. (don't worry about spoilers, i'm blackig them out)


i think i have explored every place on the map except whereever the deadly red turnip is suppossed to be, how da heck are you supposed to get there?

i'm guessing the bone bird thingy in a giant cage in bone fields is a guardian, right? i see a work of art inside, so i'm guessing you can get inside of there eventually.

what the f*** is wrong with magical land!?!?!? it's just paper cutouts >.< do wizards really exist in this game?

hope somebody knows the anwser to one of these.

1. I'm afraid I forgot how I got there, but I do remember it being difficult to find.

2.  There is a door you can break on the cage to get into it

3.  Yes there are, they'll eventually just show up and be standing around inside magic town and you can recruit them

