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32k units on day 1 is *terrible*. The PS2 equiv did about 10x as many units on the first day. Actually, Im not sure what is worse - that only 30% of the shipment sold through - or that only 100k units as ordered (for one of the *biggest* PS3 titles...). And isn't this the only PS3 release - until the end of Feb? Should hit around 40k sales for the week - my guess, will appear at #5 in the top 10 (then vanish next week, as most other titles have). Maybe this will convince Sega to change their strategy... (or Sony to chop another 30% off the PS3 price). ... I am a little surprised - I was expecting about 100k for the week (i.e. 70k-80k launch day). There are 600k PS3's already out in Japan - so this means that 95% of them don't want this game?

Gesta Non Verba

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