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Looking at the vgchartz comunity shows a big part of the users here are either hobby PC experts or they probably even like to develope their own little games and using their PC/Mac for their job.

 So maybe you could help me, because I´m a little desperated. The big Problem is my ICQ. I usually open it every evening I´m sitting in front of my screen and I like to chat with the people I like in ICQ cuz I don´t see them so often (long story, I´m a college student/ go to university...)

But since 4 days or so it just doesn´t work anymore. Everytime I open it, it just says: "ICQ detected a problem and has to be closed." The standart message.

I tried to reinstall it. I tried to install a new antivir software and used every ICQ version from 4.0 to the new ones but it never works.

My problem is: My girlfriend and I live seperated at the moment because I go to university now and she not yet. And the only message programm she uses on her PC is ICQ. I dunno why, she can´t even get MSN to work. Phoning is expensive especially if you´ve just got your mobile phone... and now I can´t neither talk to her via ICQ nor even write to her from my PC. And it really makes me desperate...

Can maybe some of the longtime PC users tell me what to do? I´m scared of uninstalling it completely and don´t get it to work then too, and to have to add all users again.

Maybe someone of you had this problem, too? I´m really sorry for such an off Topic Thread but if the people from vgchartz forum can´t help me probably no one can... please help  I´m missing the long talks with my girlfriend...