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Me too, and the wait is killing me!

Hyperion said:
I am really considering buying this game again. I can't read all those posts, sorry, :s
can someone tell me why I should buy it?
Can this game be played a "hardcore" (sorry) gamer? I really want to sink my teeth into a game for a while. One that doesn't have online. I miss those games.

 Obviously I haven't played it yet myself, but I think it's fair to say I know quite a bit about the game by now. Anyhow, you should buy it because it's a well-crafted Pikmin-esque game with a great artstyle and dark sense of humor. There's plenty of stuff to do (it takes easily over twenty hours to beat it, assuming you rush through and don't do all the sidequests: if you DO do everything, you're looking at eighty hours or so). So far the critics have been loving it (it's the number ten Wii game on Metacritic), and from the many people on this site (and other forums) who I've talked to, only one person thought it was less than fantastic. That person was RolStoppable, but do you really want to listen to the opinion of a guy who hates Chrono Trigger?