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Both numbers seem weird to me. I won't be surprised if both are wrong. For some reason, Vgchartz seemed to(and still is) having trouble tracking the game from the start. We waited almost 2 weeks to get at least something, which was a very obscure 150k in a post by ioi. Then we got a more defined week 1, week2 but still it seemed kinda of off on how that happened. And then this pops out of no where with huge cap from VGCs numbers. I can't help but wait and see rather than deny or jump on the "bombz" wagon. Frankly, it seems kinda funny how some are in denial and saying "nooo that isn't right", while there are others who say "yes!!! it bombed. I'm so happy now". Well maybe they didn't use the exact words but that is what I see when reading some of these posts. So like I said I will wait for things to straighten out. Though I barely even care to check numbers for games, and I'm probably very inexperienced in interpreting data like some of you guys might be. Oh and please if there is something I'm missing in all of this(judging from my post) then tell me.