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madskillz said:

Reading your post - and trust me, I did - you make it sound like Sony has down no wrong. And boy, have they.

Here's my question - if you can make the same amount of money working at McDonald's vs. working as a nuclear physicist, which job would you take? I'd take the McDonald's job. Why? It's fun and I don't have to use nearly the same amount of energy to get the job done as I would have if I was a physicists.

Valve is making money without the PS3. That's their stance. To make them exert extra effort for a minimal return is pointless. If you like their games, buy the systems they make the games on. Don't whine because said game isn't on your system. No matter what you or other fans do, some developers aren't interested to devoting time to the PS3. Like it or not, no one is forcing anyone to buy a console. You buy it for what you see in it. I could have afforded a PS3 at launch. But I thought about it and didn't see any games I wanted or just had to have.

And this statement ... ONLY reason PS3 fans "grin devilishly" when a 360 game comes to the PS3 is because this ENTIRE generation has been nothing but M$ going "look guys, we get these Playstation games too, you can come play our system now" and now the mass public thinks that it's pointless to get a PS3 because "that game is just going to end up on the 360 anyway". They have brainwashed a lot of people into thinking that, so now, despite having INCREDIBLE games come out from the 1st party and still getting great 3rd party exclusives, the loss of things like GTA, Final Fantasy, DMC, etc outweigh everything else because they were big, established franchises. And many people think to broad. Since GTA went to the 360....the PS3 "has no games" to some still. Maybe not on this forum, but I remember when I bought GTAIV, I was at the midnight launch, and I heard some townie saying "there's no point in buying a PS3. It has the same games as the 360, but it is more expensive". Any smart person would know that the PS3 has a lot of unique and great games that distinguish it from everything else.

Sounds like Xbox fans last gen when they were like 'Yay! We got GTA III! A few years late, but we got it!' Xbox DID get a few of the PS2 timed exclusives - and they sold ok, but it was an old port. Sound familiar?

Brainwashed? Are you serious? How can a person be brainwashed when they are being thrifty - able to watch Netflix on their TV - play HD games for half the cost of a PS3. To me, if I am going to pay for a Ferrari, I better get:

1. A sick, fast engine

2. F-1 transmission

3. Racing suspension

and a resell value that's through the roof.

Comparing a Honda (360) to a Ferrari (PS3) is laughable. The PS3 is not a Ferrari. A tuned Beamer - a 1 series - vs. a hella tuned Accord - or Subaru - or even a Mitsubishi EVO.

The 360 has the third party support - hasn't pissed Activision off and has an 8M console lead.

Smart people, huh? Who was that a swipe at? Folks see the games and aren't interested in the PS3 as much, especially for the price of admission. You - as stated earlier - see value in the PS3. A lot of potential customers don't see that now. Maybe they will, but if they don't have enough exclusives - that's what boosted the PS2 into the stratosphere - no matter how loud you shout, folks will just ignore you and your rants.


In all honesty, I'd be the nuclear physicist. I'd then know I was doing something productive with my life and was helping change the world

And believe me, I'm not a Nintendoboy. I don't buy a system, and then beg for games that aren't on said system....instead of buying the system with the games. I bought a 360, and I have enjoyed both the Orange Box and L4D. My sentiment is that Valve are just being assholes. "The PS3 is too hard". That's it. Sure, they make good money, but if the only excuse for not putting games on the PS3 is "it's too hard" (especially when smaller devs have put out EXCELLENT games on that platform), then that is unacceptable. Plus, why would they ignore 23M people? Wii fans do it all the time when the Wii gets shafted on major 3rd party franchises. "They are stupid for ignoring 50M people"....there's never any flak for those statements.

And yes, the PS3 is a Ferrari, by comparison. The 360 is the bare minimum for gaming. The PS3 has Blu-ray, Cell, HDD in every system, free online, etc (sounds like PR lol). 360 has DVD and a computer processor. And remember when M$ said HDMI and 1080p don't matter (lol)? Yea...PS3 is the Ferrari