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Zizzla_Rachet said:
leo-j said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
mario64 said:
@Sizzla : Sales, I play sales on my 360 !!

I absolutely don't care about sales as long as I've got the best games. ;)

Or you should play Wii Fit, it has the best sales, killing everything on 360.

Exactly when will one 360 exclusive game hit Wii Fit numbers?

Wii fit has a broader apeal...Way bigger than anything on ps3 or 360....I mean Chicks buy wii fit...and fat STFU

That was dumb and did not prove that PS3 has the best games...

Its not our fault people hate the ps3, its not our fault people dont want ps3 games, its not our fault that the ps3 does have quality ip but nobody cares about them.

Sales =/= quality, stop saying it does, if it did that would mean Wii sports, Wii fit, and Wii play were damn near the best games ever in history.

So becuase PS3 has the Niche games I have to agree with PS3 fanboys?

The ps3 has good games, niche? We cant prove that, because most people dont know what Uncharted is, most people dont know what little big planet is, they do know what halo is, why ? Ask sony's advertising team.

