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Maynard_Tool said:
Xxain said:
Maynard_Tool said:
PullusPardus said:
Maynard_Tool said:
3 Million+ sales on 2 days... does it really matter???

yes it does matter to ACTUAL FANS of the series.

if your really a gamer you would buy a game you like not a game that sold alot.

Actual fans are not bitching about the game. They are enjoying it.


That's right, I buy games that I like.... not games that other people like/don't like...  like those who follow online reviews.


If you are a real fan of DQ you wouldn't bitch about the game being on X system. You just get the system, play it and enjoy it. That's it. Like most people who bought the game in Japan are doing. Not the few crying babies out there, complaining about the game being in the DS

dude...JAPAN WAS THE PPL COMPLAINING....they dont like the lowerd difficulty( preschool kids can play it with ease)

Ok... how many people bought the game??? 3M+... how many people are complaining?

404 Rated the game as 1 & 2 star. So we have 404 people complaining about the game...out of 3 million, not bad.


I mean, we're using amazon japan as the main source for this? Come on


Well, it's not really 404 out of 3 million since not all 3 million owners of DQIX bought it from Amazon.