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People not liking Dragon Quest.... incomprehensible. Like, I can understand that people have different tastes, but I have so much fun playing the games from Dragon Quest that I can't imagine hating them.

Don't thrash me ;_;, I do understand that everyone has their own unique tastes developed from the moment they were born. It really is no different then how some people can't stand one style of music, like rap, and can love another, like rock, while others are exactly the opposite. It's just impossible for me to imagine hating Dragon Quest, since the style I love so much.

Don't get me wrong, I don't love Dragon Quest games because of the titles, but I usually can trust them to be high quality products based on past experience. I'm expecting no less from Dragon Quest IX, so Square Enix and Level 5 better not let me down.

On a side note, does anyone find it funny how some are enraged by the steps forward DQVIII made... while others are enraged by the "steps back" DQIX is making... Honestly, graphics aren't everything, and if anything, DQIX is continuing forward, not back.  Just my two cents, as they say.