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deadt0m said:
twesterm said:

The people saying it's Gears is crazy, that just isn't going to happen.

If I had to guess, I would guess it's going to be one of these:

  • Dead Rising -- Dead Rising 2 is coming to the PS3 so it makes sense them re-releasing it on the PS3 especially since they just did the Wii port.
  • Mass Effect -- This is assuming it has been confirmed that ME2 is coming to the PS3 (I don't remember if it has been), otherwise, I wouldn't count on this one.
  • GTAIV DLC -- I wouldn't be surprised if the Lost and the Damned was a timed exclusive.
  • Left4Dead -- It could happen but it isn't being done by Valve.  It's going to be another quick port if it is done.

Personally, I think they're talking about Dead Rising.

I agree with every word of this.

Apart from GTA IV DLC being a game..... though I do expect those episodes to come to PS3

BioWare have been talking about how they are enjoying working on the PS3, and Valve have been saying that they are interested in PS3 development but need a proper team

I think it is likely rubbish, weren't they the ones who promised a brand new PS3 exclusive and it turned out to be nothing, but I think it is most likely to be Dead Rising, I think ME won't come out on PS3 until ME 2 has been released on Xbox