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god there are so many that could be there but many are kinda niche games but if your looking for RPGS
-The world ends with you
-Chrono trigger
-Final fantasy IV
-Pokemon Platnum
are probably the pick of the bunch
as for SRPGs
you have games like
-Disgaea DS
-Final fantasy tactics A2
-Fire emblem: Shadow dragon
and kinda fits Advanced wars games
and other RPGs that are worth getting after reading reviews to make sure they the kind of game you might like
-Castlevania: DoS
-Etrian Odyssey
-Sonic Chronicles the Dark brotherhood (It's from bioware)
-Magical starsign
other games
-Mario kart DS
-Metroid Prime Hunters
-Kirby Canvas Curse
-Sonic Rush (first decent sonic game in a long time and nostalgia probably got it on the list)
-Soul Bubbles
-GTA china town wars
-Metal slug 7
-Puzzle Quest (I liked the first one more)
and plenty more I can't think of right now

@TheVoxelman on twitter

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