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@Saiyar (your article)

"We're not going to ask the consumers to suddenly buy another PlayStation console in five years' time and basically have their investment go by the wayside,"

-Kaz Hirai


I think that is very explicit. The second part where he doesn't want to comment has a lot more to do with the negative way in which the question was framed to him. These guys are trying not to let any negative press get out there and if you pose the question "Are you going to ask us all to buy another console in 5 years?" Thats phrased so that he can answer it with a positive spin to a consumer who might be up in the air right now.

But if the phrasing is changed to "What we have to wait more than 5 years for another Playstation?" Now he doesn't want to comment? This only makes sense in the context of corporate spin. He doesn't want to dissapoint the hardcore who will be back but he doesn't want to scare away the folks who want a good return on their money.

So as I have said, they were explicit in their statement but I think they are lying through their teeth. I think this article shows my viewpoint extremely well as he is willing to asnwer the question when its positive phrasing and dodges it when put in negative phrasing. This is about positive buzz and making people feel safe in their purchase.

To Each Man, Responsibility