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Why??? I'm just saying numbers are cold. It doesn't matter how hard you try to spin it, it won't matter.

Some people can say w/e they want about numbers, but just take a look....

Some people say that the wii doesn't have any games, that its technology is old ... but it stills sells way more than the all mighty ps3 which has blu ray, ultra graphical power and apparently the best games of this generation, how is that??? Some people might say is the price, but the X360 is cheaper than the wii and still look at the sales... some people might say that YOY or WoW or w/e, but at the end what do we have???

Well, just look at last week: Wii Others > Ps3/X360 WW =O

Yes, the wii is not doing great in Japan, but it still kicks the X360 and ps3 ass. The wii is not doing great in the UK... well, is selling the same amount that the ps3. Someone can even bring data about X country ( offence anyone) and say that the Ps3 is selling 4 times what the wii is selling (400 to 100 units a week)... does it really matter??? Not really.

As far as I can see the wii is doing great, is sweeping the floor with the ps3 and the X360, and great times are ahead.... games, new colors, bundles, price cuts (things the wii doesn't have till this moment, but the ps3 and x360 have had plenty of them).

Is wii's bubble bursting??? Not really. Have you look at the economy lately??? Ok, that's just an excuse... next time, just look at the numbers. Plain and Easy for all to see