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WereKitten said:
Joelcool7 said:

I agree in part. But making a game for Sony's cell proccessor doesn't have everything to do with graphics. It is really difficult to develope something for PS3. Even porting a 2D game to PS3 would cost over a million at least if not 3-4 million. I'm betting they are only refering to Microsoft when talking about porting. In which case they could probubly port it for a mill or two.

500k is way to cheap to port a title to even 360 as a low budget 360 title costs 4-6 mill to make according to EAGames Canada. Now I know 2D games are low budget but less then a million dollars is just irrational even to port to a single platform like 360.

My bet is to port to 360 it would cost them about 2 mill maybe a little less, to port to PS3 at least 4 mill do to the cell proccessor.

There are entire games developed for the PS3 with netcode, 3d graphics and everything for about 3M dollars (research for "Mars").

The whole "PS3 is hard to code for" meme must be really put in context: as in "it's hard for PC-centric developers to move from simmetric multicore/multithread architectures (360 and PC) to the asimmetric Cell one".

But the main CPU is just a PowerPC-like core, so porting something like Muramasa that won't need parallel-heavy coding at all is probably quite painless, as in replace the system-library-specific code, rework the controls a bit, retouch some specific graphics and you're ok. Nothing different from a 360 port, and probably more on the order of 10 man-years for both of them. That's what, about 1.5M dollars?

10 man-years for that is way too high.  Seriously such a port could be done in 2 man-years, easily.  Up-porting is loads easier than downporting.

I've seen PS2 games get fully ported to the PSP in less than 3 man-years, and that included the "add 30% more content" rule Sony has for such ports.  Porting a game from the Wii to the PS3 or 360 would be laughably easy.  1 million USD would be a fortune to pay for it, for the work involved.  500K is probably a lot closer to being on target, if no enhancements, outside of resolution, are planned.  300K might be enough, and it might cover both the PS3 and 360, to boot.

There are dev houses that specialize in porting console games (Foundation 9 has several such houses, as an example).  Many of them could probably pull off a Wii up-port with just a couple guys, in a couple months.