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Well I think its a pretty stupid decision. Even if the games are underperforming on the Wii, the cost of upgrading them to PS3 graphics will cost a mini fortune. Your talking 6-8 million USD to port the title or titles. Then you'd have to be really sure its the hardwares fault and not just a lack of interest in your software. Because to be honest its better to just break even with the Wii then to go in the hole trying to make a title a success on 360 let alone being suicidal and porting to PS3.

I can almost gaurantee if the title isn't a success on the Wii it won't be much if any better off on PS3. Maybe on 360 they'll see equal success to the Wii. But I highly doubt they will see a flop game turn into a golden egg!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer