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I always wanted the Zelda franchise to take a completely different direction for its games. I would to see a Zelda version of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the 7 Stars... with like Bioware/Square-Enix making it.
Imagine having Link, Zelda and Ganon working together to protect Hyrule. With possible teammates of: Midna, Skull Kids, Zora's, Goron's, Navi or in worst case scenario...... Tingle. There's a lot of possibilites of adding to the Hyrule universe.

No clue if would would work though.... might make another "black sheep" like Zelda 2

I think I discovered the meaning of a Freudian slip yesterday.....
I was having dinner with my girlfriend and I wanted to say,
"Could you please pass the butter?"
But instead I said, "You bitch, you managed to ruin my life."