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To be frank, all the Marvelous games made for the Wii would have been right at home on the PS2 and probably would have fared better there. Two of these are cheap rip off of PS2 game anyway, one of Odin Sphere and the other of Shadow of the Colossus. Marvelous decided, as some smaller publisher, to go for the Wii due to it's cheaper developement cost, yet continued to make the exact same kind of game they made before and used the wiimote + nunchuck as a classic controller split in two and replaced some button press by motion control. These kind of game simply didn't interest the console audience and neither did the heavely japenese style.

People didn't buy a Wii to play the exact same game they played on the PS2, there is still the PS2, 360 and PS3 for that.

Persons without argument hide behind their opinion