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sc94597 said:
FilaBrasileiro said:
Soriku said:

But here's the thing...most HD owners are going to find those games average and/or not worth their time because of graphics in the face of other games. A game like Muramasa is different.

The games are average and not worthy of anyone's time, Wii owners saw that and so will HD owners, but they're looking to maximize sales, they'll port it.
sc94597 said:
FilaBrasileiro said:
The point went way over everybody's head, the point is there are some games with crappy graphics on PS3 and 360 so Soriku's point that they wouldn't port some games because the graphics sucked is not really valid.

How is it not valid? There is the chance that they feel the graphics aren't what PS3 owners were expecting. Also at your Disgaea reference in the other post. Firstly, I would like to say that is an existing series that has NEVER been graphically impressive. The Fanbase knew this when they played it on the PS2 and knew it wouldn't be on the PS3. New IPs have to boast something on HD consoles and usually that is the high production values of the game. Also you lose the install base that doesn't have online connected, or doesn't download games and would rather the physical format of the game. This goes without mentioning that this game will be multiplat aswell if it were to be ported.

How is it a valid point? There are plenty of games on PS3/PSN and X360/XBL that look like ass, no it won't sell like GTAIV or CODIV, but it'll get some extra sales, what you're saying really makes no sense, I can give plenty other examples of games that looks like shit on both PS3 and 360 but I shouldn't have to.


It is a valid point because it makes much more sense to port a game that WILL sell well on the HD consoles rather than one that won't. A game like Muramasa looks good regardless of graphic quality, and will probably sell to the HD userbase while a game lik say rune factory probably wouldn't. It doesn't matter if there is extra sales. Porting isn't free, and when you have the choice to make more money you usually choose to. That is why when soriku says that the only game that seem like they will be ported is muramasa, it is valid to say that is the most likely option. Basically what I read in his post was, "chances are it is muramasa, because the other games don't have the production values that HD gamers want". This makes a lot of sense to me.

Let's agree to disagree.