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Which 5 games top all others in your opinion? For me....

1) Halo:CE (xbox) - say what you like, for me it was an incredibly contained, and enthralling experience. The storyline didnt break barriers, but it had enough twists and turns to remain compelling, this coupled with the stellar music and the amazing atmosphere (which was  missing from the two sequels), and the funnest gunplay on a console for its time cements it at the top of my list.

2) Final Fantasy X (PS2) - my favourite out of the 3D final fantasies, loved the art style, atmosphere, storyline - just the whole world of spira. It also, unlike most other FF's, gave every character a reason for being there (the whole guardian thing), which is something alot of games, even now - struggle with (mass effect being a prime example)

3) Diablo II (PC) - love this game, though its ostensively quite a shallow experience it has incredible depth. Funnest co-op game around, and the amazing atmosphere, and loot dont hurt.

4) Bioshock (360) - What can I say, more than any other game its plot completly shatters the fourth wall. From a purely artistic standpoint its completly unmatched, and its fun to play as well!

5) Final Fantasy IV (SNES) - for me it was the first "true" final fantasy game, i.e to be primarily character and story driven, loved every moment.