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READ PLEASE God damn it, sorry guys but my computer all of a sudden decided to completely f*ck up on me for the first time in 3 years. I can't stay on it for more then 2 or 3 minutes then I get the BSOD (first time I ever got this in my life). I know it's because of a virus and I don't think theres much I can do about it, I think I'm going to have to reastart windows. I'm on the PSN right now and it'll take me forevever to try to update the list with this. So You might have to wait till tomorrow for the list update, if you have any ideas of what might help to fix my computer I'll wait 10 mins for a response if I don't get any repsonse I'll probably be off VG Chartz all day to see if I can fix my computer. Try not to vote for any games that's got a low number because there probably off the list by now.