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johnlucas said:
windbane said:

Did you even read what the poster said? The main game (and versus) is still PS3 exclusive. I know it's nice to be right but nothing has changed at this point. Which will lead me to my next post...

Well, I guess I'm just reading between the lines. I see Square-Enix subtly easing out the door on Sony doing it sort of how CBS did Don Imus (thankfully). They "suspended him for two weeks" and then not to long after suspended him indefinitely AKA fired him. This is how companies do business most of the time. They always do things indirectly like that. People have made this point about Sony and Ken Kutaragi where he was 'promoted' to get him out of the way. Legend has it that that is standard Japanese business procedure, the shame-based society it is and all.

Sometimes a statement says more than it intended to say. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. (who came up with that ridiculous metaphor anyhow? shoes?!)

John Lucas

John Lucas - first, learn to remove the frames, it's not hard. Second. I was gonna write this eloberate thing about how I havent read a whole post you've wrote... since... well... about 2 days after you started posting. Third. Suspended indefinatly translates into. Paid vacation. A very long paid vacation. Fourth. I would call you some something related to something I am talking about. (This is very vague it could mean almost anything) Fifth. Your crazy.

Windbane - 10 F*king sucked. 9 was a MUCH better game. 10 was like walking down a path to the end of the game... wait... wait... that's exactly what you did.
Souxian - 6 was the best FF of all time, I think 4 was amazing too. I loved 9. It was just fun... It didnt seem 'real' at all. 7, 8, 10, 11, 12. They all aim to be 'real' I never really liked that. 8 is the worst final fantasy. 1 reason. Squallbag. Otherwise it could've been quite a bit better than 10. 7 was a really good one, but I didnt connect with it. The art style... was too early for it's time, and I think it hurt the game more than it helped it.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!