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Ronster316 said:
Munkeh111 said:
Ronster316 said:
Munkeh111 said:
Ronster316 said:
Sony............. 15 years in this industry and they have personally developed like what? Gran turismo? nope, thats Polyphony, Metal gear solid? uh huh, thats Konami.

Sony have given us so few titles, god of war in 15 years (and maybe one or 2 titles that i could not give a toss about)

Whats not to dislike about sony?

You know Sony own Polyphony Digital..... like they have owned Naughty Dog since 2001, in fact here is the whole list:


North America


Is that enough for you? Admitedly many of those games were not made while owned by SCE, but many of them were

Sony bought a lot of companies over the last 15 years huh.

In other words they paid some other MUGS to make the games for them.

Tyrannical leech of a company.

What else do you expect them to do? Why not just take small studios and expand them and fund them to create great games.

Thats the key word right there that sums up sony................ "Take" never "Earn"

Actually, just doing a bit of research. They formed SCE San Diego, responsible for the best baseball game ever, they formed SCE Santa Monica which has made a little thing called God of War, PD, who make a little game called Gran Turismo, Clap Hanz, who make the Hot Shots Gold series. They have Team ICO, who are part of their Japanese developement studio. They also formed SOE who have made great MMOs. They formed Incognito, who have recently closed, and most of the people there are just working in Lightbox who have a contract with Sony in place. They also started SCE London, responsible for the Singstar franchise and Getaway series.

They did buy the rest, but it is not like they have damaged them as you seem to think. Coming into gaming, the best way to get quality games on your system is to buy new studios, Microsoft did it too, but their acquistition of Rare seemed to do more bad then good. Guerilla games made the average Killzone before they were bought (well they had nearly finished development when bought) but under Sony, helped by the other SCE studios they have managed to make Killzone 2, an AAA game.