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luvtospooge said:
If they don't start re-claiming their place in the console wars, then the next generation, sony would be pretty much F*****.

The only hope is PSP Go!. That should/will be sony's profitable machine.

Coming in from the strongest position did not help them this time round and Microsoft managed to come from the rear. This is the console war in you speaking the reality is that we have 3 very viable consoles. PS3 is playing the long game and Microsoft are in it too, the Wii is only console likely to declare early but it will have a good score at this point.

W.L.B.B. Member, Portsmouth Branch.

(Welsh(Folk) Living Beyond Borders)

Winner of the 2010 VGC Holiday sales prediction thread with an Average 1.6% accuracy rating. I am indeed awesome.

Kinect as seen by PS3 owners ...if you can pick at it it ... Did I mention the 360 was black and Shinny? Keeping Sigs obscure since 2007, Passed by the Sig police 5July10.