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Valkyria00 said:
Khuutra said:

Not at all.

"Tales of" is not well-known enough on its own to have a fanbase as large as its most popular game. Tales of Symphonia was a perfect storm on the Gamecube, and no other Tales game since that has come close to its success.

No, Vesperia did not have one million users to feed off of. Firstly, most of Symphonia's sales were on the Gamecube, and there's nothing to indicate that those owners would have bought a 360 thereafter. Secondly, Tales of Symphonia wasn't recognized as part of a brand by most of those buyers - it was just one game.

"Tales of" doesn't exist for the average buyer.

Is there anything to indicate that the gamecube owners bought a Wii? DotNW wasnt marketed and was known more as Knight of Ratatosk and Dawn of the New World than "Tales of Sypmhonia 2" right? Im still not buying it though. Im still saying if Symphonia had a million than Vesperia had a million.

Kinda off-topic but what the hell did happen with Symphonia? Why did that game off all get to a million and on the god damn gamecube. Id really like to know....

Tales of Symphonia got to a million because of the "perfect storm" Khuutra mentioned.  It was a strong RPG title on system with a severe shortage of RPGs and it was one that you couldn't get on the PS2.

As for how Tales of Symphonia 2 was marketed, do you own it?  If you own it then pull out the case and look at the box art.  Look at the title and tell me what the three biggest words are next to Wii.  I'll give you a hint, they're not "Knight of Ratatosk."  In fact, "Knight of Ratatosk" isn't even on the box.