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MontanaHatchet said:
fkusumot said:
MontanaHatchet said:
fkusumot said:
MontanaHatchet said:

I can understand that.

I think the Wii could have both different controls and advanced engines. I mean, remember how excited some people were at the thought/rumor of an HD Wii?

Besides, what would the Wii cost with advanced technology? Considering the fact that most people are excited to dump an entire savings into WiiFit, I fail to see how it would hurt, as long as it's not the cost of a PS3.


I have no idea what you mean by this but I found it quite funny regardless.

Well, think about it. If you can get a Core 360 for almost the price of a Wii, despite the 360 being far more powerful, then either Microsoft is ripping themselves off or Nintendo is ripping all of us off. But I think it's called "profit".

WiiFit is $80 for the balance board alone, and then I'm guessing oh, say, $50 for the game itself. So, in the end, that's more than the price of a 360 Premium and almost the price of a 40 gig PS3, despite the fact that those two systems are vastly more powerful.

My main point for WiiFit is that something as boring looking as it shouldn't charge you out the ass.

Uhm, where did you get this information from?

I'm pretty sure that Nintendo announced it at E3 07 with the introduction of WiiFit, but I could be incredibly wrong. Which is very likely.

 It reminded of the first time someone said "WiiPlay is $20 for the software alone, then I'm guessing oh, say, another $50 for the remote."