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Tim_Duncan said:
I can't believe those kids still talk about betamax, err HDDVD I mean.

Seriously, the HDDVD format died long ago, Blueray won, get over it.

Everybody makes mistakes in life, buying a HDDVD drive was one, now it's time to grow up.

It would be cool if those HDDVD threads could disappear before 2020, or I'll start 2 dreamcast threads every day. (I made a poll)

You do know Betamax is still used by TV stations, right?

How is it a mistake? A mistake is buying a console for $600 for just one game. Buying an HD-DVD is a mistake if you bought it to play Blu-Rays. As long as there are movies to play on your HD-DVD, and it still works, so how is it a mistake?

Don't tell me - you were one of the misinformed ones who bought a Blu Ray and while it's still very much alive, had to wait so long for past HD-DVD exclusives to hit Blu years later.