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I originally chose HD-DVD because of the movie lineup, the online features (which was mandatory for EVERY HD-DVD made) and the cost. Plus, I liked the fact that HD-DVDs weren't tied to just one region, and you could get import HD-DVDs of Sony hits from all over the globe.

Studio support, not the PS3 or the like, is what killed the format. They wanted a restrictive format - one that was region locked - and got it with Blu-Ray.

I have 2 HD-DVD players - one's a standalone, one is the external drive. I love both of them. I do have Blu-Ray, thanks to my PS3, but that is the only way I would have bought it.

And don't give me 'Blu-Ray is miles ahead' of HD-DVD crap. HD-DVD was the first to hit the 51gb mark, not Blu-Ray. And guess what? HD-DVD didn't offer the audio enhancements as Blu, but offered the SAME EXACT 1080P picture. The exact same for a much lower price.

As I said earlier, HD-DVD still has a huge following. You can buy various HD-DVD movies that would cost 2-3 times more on Blu Ray. There are a few exceptions - 'I am legend' is way more expensive on HD-DVD - I think it was in limited release - and the comp between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray had both of them with BOGO deals, which I miss.

I would love to see a couple studios say 'Let's give HD-DVD a try' when MS goes to HD-DVD for their HD format.

@ Leo-J - what's wrong with buying something that offers the same thing for cheaper? Do you needlessly spending you or your parents' money on a brand? Sorry, but I have other bills to pay and don't want to have to pay an arm and a leg to be entertained. Blu or red, and I still watch a lot of HD-DVDs, I like to come home, relax and just enjoy a movie.

@ Heruamon - yeah, I hit Fry's a few weeks ago and bought Cast Away Blu for $11 and King Kong for $5. Their HD-DVD stock is getting smaller but I would also recommend or even eBay or craigslist to find good HD-DVD deals.