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twesterm said:
johnathonmerritt said:
axumblade said:
yeah.....I don't trust video game versions of Magic the Gathering...x.o

I thought the online PC card game was good. It wasn't anything fancy, but it worked well. I just didn't like the idea on having to spend so much money on digial cards.

Yeah, if they had that interface and controls just converted to XBL that would be good.

I would even be happy with the bad decks and very limited selection in the game as long as I could customize them.

Here's a good read from the designer of the game and reasons why they went this route with Duel of the Planewalkers for XBLA

Oh and you could interupt action, let said you assign blocker. Before damage is dealt there is an optiion "A" pop up and at this point you can used card ability.  For example if you have those little Pyro guy, you can assign him to block before the damage is dealth you can tap him using "A" button to use his card ability to ping someone for 1 damage.

Some of the process have been streamline for simplicity sake.  Again, not to beat a dead horse but if you want a full functioning, deck building, sanction legal Magic, there is already one available (and have been available for quite sometimes).

This game is for people who just want to pitch two decks together for fun.  I bought several pre-made Magic decks (and they cost a lot more than the $10.00 asking price of XBLA version) and used them as is because it's balance and anyone of my family and friends can just pick up and play.  I pick up couple boosters here and there to beef up the deck (since those starter are usually only 40 cards) but they deck remain balance.  No tournament style shut down (read boring to play) in casucal non compettive setting).  Why would any of your friends want to come over to play with you when you have the uber decks that beat them down every round.

Sorry for the long rant on this but it's really annoying to see people dismiss this game without seeing why and who it is for.  This is the same as people dismissing those Wii party games as lame, but you know what, when you are getting together with friends and family they are more fun to play because the game offer easy to learn and easy to pick up and play for everyone.