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Alright, so I spent more time with it to give it another chance, and here's what I got from it:

  • I've beaten 15 of the 16 Plainswalkers, I just didn't feel like trying the 16th one yet.
  • The decks you win do get better, but not much and still not as good as the ones you're playing again.  It's like going from a laughable newbie deck to one you at least wouldn't get laughed out of a local tournament with.
  • I fucking hate the 2.5 second timer

So I guess I'll start with the 2.5 second timer.  2.5 seconds doesn't sound like much but there's a 2.5 second wait after every action.  Play a spell, activate an ability, triggered abilities, draw a card, everything.  There is a fucking 2.5 second wait after everything.  Again, it doesn't sound bad, but it's Hell.

Take this very likely scenario: I'm playing a green deck and so is my opponent.  We're both using those terrible if a player plays a green spell, you gain 1 life cards.  I happen to get one of those out my opponent has three.  One of us plays a green spell so all four of those artifacts activate which means I have to wait 10 seconds.  Ontop of that I have to wait another 2.5 to actually play the spell.  This may sound like a rare scenario but it isn't.  Shit like that happens all the time.

So you would think that 2.5 second wait would make for a relaxing game? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.  Because if you want to use any kind of response you have to be on the edge of your fucking seat because if you want to regenerate, respond to some crazy thing your opponent did, or whatever, instead of that 2.5 second wait feeling like an eternity it feels like only a fraction of a second.

Never have I experienced such a paradox of a mechanic.  It's just mind boggling how this one little wait can feel like an eternity and feel too short at the same time.  That would be kind of cool if it felt like an eternity when you needed the time and only a fraction of a second every where else but noooooooooooooooooooooooooo it feels like an eternity when you just want to get on with it and only a fraction of a second when you need the time.  It's bullshit.

Now about your deck.  You start out with a typical newbie green "weenie" deck, but instead of having a lot of small casting cost creatures, you have 8 high casting cost wurms and a lot of other high casting cost cards with almost no mana acceleration.  To make things worse, you keep winning more high casting cost cards!

So the next thing you would want to do is take out those high casting cards right? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo that would be too easy.  You can add and take away cards that you've won (which are automatically added, another annoyance because I don't want those bad cards I win) but not cards in the original deck.  That's fucking stupid.  I don't want 2/3's of my deck cost more than 5 mana and almost no mana acceleration.

Oh, and did you know you have no control over your land?  You don't have control over what land goes into your deck or how much and you don't even control what mana you tap.  Lets say I'm playing a red/white/green deck and I have red, white, and green cards in my hand.  I play a card and by some arbitrary reason the game decides to tap all my red mana.  That either means I can't play the red spells in my hand even though I have plenty of green open or can't leave red open on purpose just to psych the opponent out.

That's another thing in this game-- there are no mind games.

Since the game builds the deck for you, decides how things get tapped, and decides when to end the phase itself, you cannot play mind games with your opponent and your opponent has a good idea what's in your hand.

Want to leave a green open just to make your opponent think you might have a giant growth?  Better hope the game doesn't feel like tapping all your green mana.

Want to make your opponent think you have a counterspell in your hand?  Better hope you have some other spell you can cast or else your phase just ends right away and your opponent knows you don't have anything you can actually cast no matter how many cards in your hand.

That's bullshit, they took away all the fun parts of the game.  They took away the deck building (my favorite part) and they took away the mind games.  Even with pre-concstructed decks you can still take out cards and you can still do mind games but this game just fucked it all up.

Nobody waste money on this game, it's pathetic.