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"No, because it's not surprising at all that Crysis looks better.  It's meant to hype direct x 10, is a FPS, and will hardly be playable on current PCs (and just like every "next-gen" console and every PC for that matter...the second it is made it is outdated, so new PCs will of course produce better graphics and we've both said that)."

Wow... you actually are agreeing with me? Then what's with my original statement that the screens I pulled for GoW looking better than that PoS screen with those armored dudes? Is it the fact that the Xbox360 was responsible for those screens? 

"What happened with you is comparing 2 different game types, admitting that different game types don't make for direct comparison, and then instead of admitting that you argued the same thing I did you are just sticking to the fact that the screenshot looks bad to you.  Well, ok, but that's not why the conversation went off on a tangent.  I quoted the beginning of that, all you did in response was quote your first comment which doesn't address what I was proving in that you changed the topic."

So... Crysis all of a sudden is in the same game type as Lair... I didn't know Lair was a FPS!

As far as I'm concerned, I said that the (now infamous) Lair screenshot sucked. You somehow didn't like the fact that I used manure and flies to compare that screenshot and GoW's. I clarified that I didn't think the screenshot lived up to the PS3 hype (and I still don't - opinion! Opinion! I like blueberries, you like strawberries!) and you started working on my case. Well, it takes two to tango.

"The screenshots and videos look great to me, but I'll see most of the game in a few months either way."

Oh, unless I go blind, I should be seeing the game in a few months as well, either way.