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Soriku said:

However, there will be massive core drivers on the Wii soon - MH3, Tales of Graces, Samurai Warriors 3, FFCC: TCB. And DQ X in the long run. These will all make a solid core base on the Wii in Japan. IMO they should've delayed ARF at least until MH3 came out so it gets on the core rush. It could've been a "pick up with the system" type game.

Did you notice how other well known JRPGs sold on the Wii? ToS: DotNW, a spinoff, outsold every 360 JRPG, but didn't outsell WKC. But DQS crushed everything else and is the best selling console JRPG in Japan so far, and #3 in third party game sales in Japan this gen. And it's an on rails spinoff. Being spinoffs, they are not major core drivers, unfortunately, but the Wii is getting main series of said titles, and other major titles. You can't sell B and C level games without A level games.

Take the PSP for example. Its HW/SW sales were garbage for a while, but some big hits came - MH, CC: FF7, and so on. And big hits continued to come, and even more are coming. These drived HW/SW a lot. Even some niche games started selling on it. It's the same situation with the Wii. Thankfully these games aren't too far off.

But really, all Crisis Core and PSP - 2000 was jump start hardware and MH got popular on PSP.

The other niche games that were already being released did not see a huge bump in sales.

We do have pleasant surprises though.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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