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mhsillen said:
"Malstorm is WORSE than the SDF"

I don't agree darthdevidem01,

I think he is a ninty fanboy who does write well thought out articles. He does bring solid thought to his posts while SDF spews rainbow hyperbole about Sony

I don't think his articles are particularly well thought out.  I mean he wrote an article two weeks before E3 2009 stating that Microsoft does everything with the Xbox 360 in response to Sony.  To show just how ridiculous he can get in order to justify his views he basically stated that he thinks Project Natal (of course he didn't know the name of it then) is a response to the Eyetoy and not a response to the success of the Wii.  Keep in mind that the same article also completely contradicts a part of an article he wrote last year in which he wondered if Microsoft even cared about Sony anymore.

Also a wall of text does not mean an article is well thought out.  For instance he wrote a huge analysis giving reasons why he felt that McCain was going to win the presidential election.  One of the reasons he bashed the Obama Campaign for example was their obsession with the media.  I mean what person who knows anything about elections would even fault a campaign for caring and taking a huge interest in what the media is saying about them?  Considering the incredible influence the media can and usually does have on elections only someone with a complete misunderstanding of the subject would even make the argument he did.

I could go on with other examples as well but lets take the article this thread is based on.  In one part he states: "With the Natal hype out of control" and then a couple of paragraphs later he says: "No one swallowed the stupid Natal hype".  Well if nobody even swallowed the hype how in hell could it be out of control?  It's stuff like that which makes reading his articles so painful.  I've seen an article in which he quoted someone saying something they didn't (it was a misquote from someone at another company).  I mean how well thought out are his articles when he basically makes up things at times to further his argument?