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Pineapple said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Pineapple said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
@noname, what you're describing is called a microwave, and it did not kill hardcore cooking.

But that's not at all what he's saying! Or well, what I think he's saying that is.

There are people who only eat microwave food, aren't there? I've seen a fair bit of programs/read a few articles that have this as a major problem. The majority of these people should know that eating microwave food isn't as good for you, but they simply don't know how to make anything else. At an earlier point, they had the choice between cooking "real" food and microwave food. They chose microwave food.

I'd say this fits right in with his analogy.


Another thing, Noname never (at least as far as I know) said anything about killing the hardcore market. He said this would stop "casual" gamers from becomming "bridge" gamers. What this does is, rather than expand the market, actually preventing people from becomming more serious gamers.

I started out as a microwave only chef.  Then some bridge meals moved me over to hardcore cooking.

If somebody doesn't want to make the jump from casual cooking/gaming to hardcore cooking/gaming, who cares?  Honestly, who cares about a single casual not making the jump that some internet jerks expect them to make?  More gamers means more games.  It's good for everybody.

Here comes the problem by using the terms I do. I'm not sure what else would be a fitting term to get people to understand what I mean... gah.

As for a reply: I'm pretty damn sure Nintendo cares. NSMBWii is a game that can turn people who bought Wii for Wii Sports + Fit only into someone who also purchases the odd Mario game. I'm sure the latter category is far, far more likely to buy a Wii 2 than the former. In addition, they'll end up buying more games on their Wii.

Well yeah.  Of course Nintendo cares.  It's a good business decision.  But what I meant was, why should anybody be bothered by this idea?  It's optional.

All this does is save you the couple minutes it would take to move your cheating ass from the couch to the computer to look at GameFAQs and YouTube.  Cheats, walkthroughs, demo videos, and speedruns are already available and free.  This will be convenient for people who already cheat, will have absolutely no effect on people who don't cheat, and will teach casuals how to cheat.  Who cares?  More gamers means more games.  I love games.  So this is good.