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I'm liking it so far, I'm a big Ghostbusters fan since I was a little kid, watched the cartoon every weekend and such.  The game has the humor and style of the movies and cartoon and that I really like.  The gameplay is fun though I had a few issues with the camera/controls being a little loose (they're pretty much tied together) but after a little adjusting it was smooth sailing but I would have liked to have a way to adjust the sensitivity.

The graphics look like the cartoon, I love the style I really do it's got personality that I like.  You can tell it's running on the same infernal engine as the HD versions when you start playing through, destruction is pretty much the same but not as graphically intense of course, it's just fun blowing up everything.

Short list of pros and cons for those that just want it.


  • IR controls work well for the style of gameplay
  • graphics are really good
  • the cartoon style rocks (for fans of it)
  • it captures the humor and feeling of the movies which is nice
  • I can write my name on the wall AND blow up toilet paper rolls!
  • It's just fun.


  • The style might not be for you :\
  • Could use tigher controls or at least a way to adjust it to your liking
  • sometimes the camera can be right behind your character which will block most of your view
  • Destruction isn't as impressive as HD versions (but it was expected)

I highly reccomend it for any Ghostbusters fan, I picked my copy up today from Gamestop for 40 dollars (I don't know why it was ten dollars cheaper but it was) and for the price vs the fun I'm getting it's well worth it.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000