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Alright here is my analysis of the three companies!


Nintendo - A leading company always wants to be on top. They develope everything internally and rely soully on their creative minds like Miyamoto. The GameBoy:Camera came out before the EyeToy , Tilt controls created for the GameBoy Colour, Wiimote's , rumble. It all came from inside Nintendo.


Microsoft - Sees potential and acquires it. When Microsoft sees a competitor is doing as good or better then them they aquire the competitor. If they see some new peice of technology they buy it up, a developer thats doing exceptionally well at a competitor, they purchase said developer. Microsoft saw the console wars and bought themselves a team to make the X-Box of course after trying to aquire Nintendo. They saw Rare's success and bought them up from under Nintendo. They saw Natal technology was promising so they bought the developer.


Sony - Sony is the Monkey See Monkey Do of the industry. They are almost always one step behind technology wise. They saw The GameBoy:Camera and boom Eye Toy is born. They saw 8 axis tilt control on the GBC and boom PS3 has tilt control. They see a wand used to make games more immersive in a 3D enviroment and boom they have a Wiimote.


Of these companies one is creative (Nintendo) , one sees creative potential and ceases it (Microsoft) and one mimic's creativity (Sony)!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer