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I'd say yes, due to there horrible lack of 1st party party support, everytime i say the word "Xbox" only Halo comes to mind, and that is pretty sad.

When i hear Nintendo, i think right away, Mario, Miss hawty Samus, Smash Bros, Pokemon, Kirby, Wario, Yoshi, Zelda, Fire Emlem, Etc.....

When i hear Sony, i think right away, Uncharted, God of War, Valkyria Chonicles, Untold games, MotorStorm Games, Jack and Daxter games, Rachet and clank games, inFamous (is going to be a new 1st party franchise for sure franchise), Folklore, WarHawk, anything FFVII related, etc...

So as far as 1st party power and Originality go which are two very important aspects imo, they'll never be this so called "1st" in any generation, it'll always be Sony or Nintendo....or Sega... *Wink*

Still im not saying Xbox is a bad brand, oh dear no, its just it'll always be the middle man console from the looks of things right now, its a 3rd party giant and honestly thats all it has going for it...well if you dont count the insane halo fans but thats another story now isn't it?

As far as who "WOULD" leave the gaming bizz, i'd say NONE of the big 3 would, because each and everyone of that are of value to this gen, if just ONE company of the big 3 went out, 1 of 2 things would happen...well 3...

1. A single comapny of the 3 has a huge mono over the gaming ind and charges fuck all they want and rips off the gamers, that would not be good now would it?

2. PC gaming makes a comeback, which is not good.

3. Handhelds take over console gaming 100%, also not a good thing unless it well, and i MEAN well thought of.

So there you have it, in the end deny it all you want, we NEED all 3 to bring US the gamers The quality of gaming itself. Amen...