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GooseGaws said:

It is true that the 360 version may be inferior to the PC version, however, when you compare them to the software available on their respective platforms, the 360 version fares better. Reviews should only be judged against other software available on the same platform.

I don't really get what you mean. The 360 has plenty of quality FPS games. Also, whether you agree with it or not, games are compared to other versions on similar platforms. The PS3 version of Madden was the best Madden on the PS3 but was marked down for not being as good as the 360 version. It seems unfair for the primary platform that this game was built for (and runs best on and has the most content on) to be rated lower than the console version just because websites like Yahoo Games are only going to review the 360 version (since they don't consider the PC relevant) and auto-slap a 5/5 on it.