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Why are people so offended by this?

You don't HAVE to use it. You're free to play the game as you always would do, but casual or non-gamers now have an in-game help system. It doesn't play through the game for them-just demonstrates what should be done. You can carry on after the computer has taken control, but won't be able to save any progress.

If people want to beat the game, they still have to do it themselves. The computer will show them the solution, then it's up to the player to learn that particular trick and play through the section themselves.

Stop being frightened Nintendo is going to ruin gaming by making it more accessible. The use of this feature is optional-you only use it if you're stuck and WANT the computer to show you how to do it. If you don't want to use it, you're free to soldier on on your own.

I don't want to use this feature, but I'm all for it's inclusion in the game.