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Haven't played VT but have several hours of GST under my belt.

I really enjoy the game and the online is fantastic (easy to get games, no lag, rankings, etc..., organising an actual tournament, for example a Wimbledon would be great if at all possible). It is just fun and the difficulty appropriate.

Now, the controls I like but strangely enough, you swing before your digital self (I sound like Morpheus). This is very weird when you watch somebody play but oddly enough not a problem (at least for me) when playing. The spins are great (works everytime if you wan to slice or "lift"), I have sometime trouble hitting the ball flat though. One thing I am really having trouble on though is hitting down the line while lifting (backhand or forehand).

I guess I am not much help but wanted to add a positive opinion of GST (though without comparing to VT) while being honest of some of its traits that some could not like.

Elaine: I will never understand people

Jerry: They're the worst.